Member Success Guarantee

We guarantee you land a $60k+ job offer within 12 months of finishing coursework ($40k base + expected commissions.)

To qualify for the guarantee, just:

Complete the coursework before your official completion date.

After you’re done with the coursework, successfully complete your Career Search Process (CSP) within 12 months.

Congrats, you’ve been hired to a great job… or, if you failed after diligently following everything in your Membership Agreement, email your Mentor within 30 days of your last month to be released from your contracts (see notes below).

*This is not a "no questions asked" guarantee. Changing your goals, changing your mind, or not following through on your commitments aren’t valid reasons for release from your payment obligations.

* This is a simplified explanation of the Member Success Guarantee. Full details are found in your Membership Agreement if you are accepted into Prehired.

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